Baptisms and BlessingsBaptism


This has been written for parents who are thinking of arranging a Baptism (sometimes called Christening) for their baby.

It seeks to explain the significance of infant baptism and the responsibilities of the parents. It also points out that there is an alternative service called Infant Blessing, which some parents might find more appropriate.


Baptism is a sacrament like Holy Communion. It includes sprinkling with water, ‘in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’.

It involves a commitment of faith on the part of one or both parents. It is a sign of entry into the church community. Parents who bring their children for Infant Baptism express their own faith in God and promise to bring their child up within the life of the church.


Some parents are not sure about their own Christian faith, or do not feel able to promise to bring up their child within the life of the church. The service of Infant Blessing gives them the opportunity to come to church, to express their gratitude for their baby’s birth, and to be assured of God’s love for them and their child.


Whether you decide on Infant Baptism or Infant Blessing you can invite certain special people to be Godparents. Traditionally, there would be two Godparents of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex. Sometimes parents will choose two couples to be Godparents.


How do you decide what form of service you want for yourselves and your Child? As parents you discuss the matter together, and then come to a decision, in consultation with the minister. 

If you are committed Christians (or one of you is), and choose to be involved in the church’s life and worship, you might choose Infant Baptism.

 If you do not feel able to confess your own Christian faith or if you cannot promise to bring up your child in the church, you might choose Infant Blessing.

 To help you decide, look at the promises below


 Parent’s Promises

In presenting Callum for baptism, do you believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, maker of heaven and earth, redeemer of the world, giver of life?

We do

Do you promise, by God’s help, to provide a Christian home for Callum and to bring him up in the faith of the Gospel and the fellowship of the Church?

We do

 The Godparent’s Promise

Do you, as Callum’s godparents, confess your faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and do you undertake to help his parents in every way you can to bring him up in the faith of the Gospel and the fellowship of the church?

We do

 The Congregation’s Promise

Do you, as a congregation of God’s people, promise to play your part in the Christian upbringing of Callum by providing instruction in the Gospel of God’s love, the example of Christian faith and character, and the strong support of the family of God in fellowship, prayer and service?

We do


The minister, sprinkling water on the child’s head, says:

Callum, I baptise you in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.


 Parent’s Promises

Do you thank God, the source of all life, for the gift of your child?

We do

Do you, in the presence of God, dedicate yourselves as Lauren’s parents, and commit yourselves to fulfilling the responsibilities of parenthood?

We do

Do you promise, with God’s help, to so live your lives that Lauren will be surrounded by love and goodness?

We do

May the Lord bless you and give you grace to faithfully carry out these promises; may God grant you joy and patience, love and peace.

The Godparent’s Promise

Do you, as Lauren’s godparents, promise to be a friend to her throughout the years? Do you promise to love, support and encourage her in every way you can?

We do

The Congregation’s Promise

Do you the family and friends of Lauren, and the members of God’s church, promise to offer your love and friendship, your prayers and support, on this special day and throughout the coming years?

We do


The minister, laying one hand on the child’s head, says: Lauren, we rejoice that you are one of God’s children, held now and always within his endless love. The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.